Friday, January 9, 2009

Wists-ful Thinking

In the sucky economic times in which we find ourselves - I do believe "sucky" is the official technical term -- it's hard to get your frivolous shopping fix responsibly. Luckily, though my bank account is negligible and my credit totally maxxed I can have every little gew-gaw my heart ever desired for free via Wists Social Shopping.

Okay -- I only have them virtually, but sometimes that is enough. I've noticed with my kids that the act of acquiring the object is all they need -- they never actually use or play with said object. I'm hoping I can substitute clicking something to my Wists list for clicking it into my Shopping Cart.

Aside from making shopping lists, it is also a handy way to keep track of interesting things you find on the web, but don't want to add as a bookmark. Scroll down to see a couple of my current wists -- I'm using it as a way to squirrel away project inspirations and ideas.

I do believe this topic is ripe for an eHow article.

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